River Clyde from the Erskine Bridge.

I headed out in the late afternoon to capture another wonderful summer day of scudding cumulus clouds. This setting is the River Clyde looking upstream towards Glasgow, just before the river opens out into the Firth at the Erskine Bridge, now toll-free. I parked the car and took to the cycle/pedestrian track crossing the bridge. Both sides have very high railings but these allow a camera lens to poke through, so does not impede photography although it's impossible to throw yourself off the bridge if you were so inclined. Sadly, a couple of young girls made some sort of suicide pact a few years ago and jumped to their deaths, triggering the construction of the extreme barriers.
In the right-hand corner is Riverside House with a lovely sandy beach running down to the water's edge. Some children and a dog were playing there happily.

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