Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont


My hospital visit lasted about 5 hours. Though it was never boring. But I never want to go through that again! I won’t go into the gory details, but the charming young, bearded surgeon swept into the room, squeezed my toes and asked, 'How are you feeling?' in an Irish brogue, then chuckled knowingly. Good start.

He found what he thinks is an ulcer (or something) right at the end of my bowel. He took some samples and will arrange a scan. This has been bleeding, which has caused the anaemia and probably the shortness of breath, so whipping that bit out should solve it! I’m really pleased. I feel better already - definitely glad that ordeal's over. Thank you for all your good wishes and kind thoughts.

I’ve just had a wee bread and butter pudding. Nothing ever tasted so good! Mind you, I was brought a cup of tea and a sandwich at the hospital, and that tasted pretty damn good too, not having eaten for a couple of days.

I took this shot this morning of Archie sitting looking at his new dish. The sticky-up bits means he has to just get small mouthfuls. He loves it.

Last night he was left with his crate door open, shut in the kitchen with his doggy door. So I had a sleep in till 7am, and when I went to see him, he wasn’t up yet! This will make it much easier, as he can go out himself whenever he wakes. Makes life easier.

I’m not allowed to do anything, even like boiling a kettle. I shall milk this for a while but don’t tell JR it’s only for this evening...

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