
By katieyarbro

He Has No Boundaries

Day 7:
Today is Sunday, and you know what that means-church.
The church was pretty small, probably seating 75 people. We took majority of those seats since about 40 of us went (30 boys and 9 of us). It was just like any other church except for one major distinctive thing-a display of the name Jesus hanging up in the front of the building that lit up when a key note was played during a worship song. Oh, and yes. Everything was in Spanish. There were slideshow screens with lyrics to worship songs like here in the States, but when it came to the sermon, the screens remained blank, so most of us were completely lost for a whole 2 and a half hours, so I did not exactly see The Lord at work until the bus ride back to the home.
After a few minutes on the bus, Alexander tapped me on the shoulder and asked to see my Bible. This may be weird, but I tend to keep sentimental things in my Bible, like a picture and a note from my youth group leader. I was nervous handing over these precious things to a child, but I thought about it and realized that Alexander was asking to read the Word of God and the worst thing I could do is withhold that from him. So I handed it over. A couple minutes later I looked back and see that he is reading from it even though it is in English. There is not a word to describe the feeling that took over as I watched a child so eagerly read the Bible in another language. In the front of the bus, there were a small group of boys reciting verses they memorized, John 3:16 being one of them.
All I could do was sit there in awe. Amazed to see that my God is their God-a God who has no boundaries. In that moment, I was overwhelmed by fulfillment as I felt the Holy Spirit flood that bus.
Our free time that afternoon consisted of visiting an oasis. Sitting on top of one of the tallest sand dunes in the world, I attempted to grasp how big our God is. This is a glimpse of what ran through my head "The God who created the universe, who knows each of the stars by name, also created me. But not only did He create me, He cares for me. He desires to know me and be loved by me-a puny human..."
Prior to the oasis, was our stop at the gourmet chocolate factory (similar to Godiva in the States). After eating chicken, rice, and potatoes every meal, chocolate was like music to my ears; thinking about it made my mouth water. I know I sound ridiculous, but who doesn't love chocolate?! We do and that was utterly obvious at our stop there. As soon as we Americans walked in, we immediately rushed to the counter in awe of the white, dark and milk chocolate "Tejas". We all tried a sample and wow, was it good! But I decided I did not want to spend my money on food, so I went and sat down in the waiting area. Looking up, I saw us Americans at the counter spending countless money on something so unnecessary, while the 3 boys that came with us stood in the back of the store just watching. Not once did they say "Can I have this? Give me that! Why don't we get anything?!" At that moment, I realized how selfish and excessive I am. Here I am, thinking I am doing the right thing not spending my money on something so temporary (literally, I would have ate it the second I bought it), but really I am still being selfish. Children, of all people, are most attracted to sweets, but these children knew that they did not have the money to pay for it, so they simply did not ask. Before I had a chance to convince myself not to spend my money again, I rose and paid for the 3 boys' chocolate. I deserve nothing but humility.

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