Towards the brough

Today has been one of those days that is just utterly perfect. Bright sunshine accompanied me on the morning wander with the woofers and on my return home I bashed together a carrot cake and cut the grass as it baked. My first ever carrot cake turned out pretty well and made a great follow up to the bacon and egg sandwiches the wifeycle made for us. The afternoon dog walk was HV's choice - she drove and I looked out of the window wondering where we were going.
We arrived at Birsay on the north western corner of the island, where it was windless and the sun was blazing down on us. We wandered east along the coast, stopping to take a few shots of the old whale bone before heading further along, enjoying the beautiful day.
Back to the car and home, then a trip out on the bike for me and a swim in the sea for HV.
Today has been perfect, with my perfect girl. I am a lucky boy. :)

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