
By Katy8

10, 100, 1000...when is enough?

I was undecided about where to shoot the sunrise this morning and as I awoke early I had a bit of extra time to drive to a location. After a period of indecision Jasper decided that the rocks at Umina beach headland might be interesting as we had only ever shot sunset there before and off we went.
On the drive down I remembered that my spare battery was on the kitchen bench after last night and not recharged. It got me to thinking about how much charge would be left on the battery in my camera. I thought on how many pics I typically take during a shoot and it got me wondering about the difference in technique with using digital over a film camera.
Maybe it is my inexperience but I always take way too many photos.
I am the very first to admit it.
I dislike trying to gauge what I have in camera, and much prefer to review on my big screen at home.
I tweak the angles and positioning here and there and shoot each and every time. I watch the light change and shoot, shoot, shoot.
If I was limited to just 12 or 24 shots I wonder how different my approach would have to be! It gives a huge appreciation for masters like Ansel Adams. How much did he hone his craft to be able to go out and confidently produce masterpiece after masterpiece on film.
In this digital age, as in life, have we become spoiled (and maybe more than a little lazy) at our myriad of choices. Are we less discerning? Is there more magic in aiming to capture just one "perfect" moment , rather than 10, 100 or 1000- then discarding the not-quite-good-enough?

Anyhow, enough musing....and yes, my battery DID last the shoot.....No, I did NOT limit myself to 50 shots despite my best intentions......

In the end I have about 50 shots just of the water cascading over this rock ledge alone just as the sun broke the horizon. This one is my favourite with the light caught on the rock and water. A little flow , but not too much. A little rock , but not too much. A little bit of sunrise magic...........

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