
By Katy8

Colouring life.....

We had a wonderful day today catching up with dear friends that we first met in Hong Kong and now we live about an hour apart. The kids get on famously and we enjoyed a BBQ and then a bush walk. We even had a visit from a gorgeous wild wallaby (maybe the same one as we saw last time we visited this location).
The day slipped away too quickly and then we were home, dinner organised and I stole an hour to race out and get some pics. The sky was very pretty behind the jetty as the sun set but I played around with some angles and I have placed another couple of shots in my blip folio here and here ....I might actually prefer them but I thought this pic captured my theme better.

I love that the friendships we have made throughout the years colour our lives. They enrich it in both subtle and bold ways, somewhat like the colours in a picture. We are so lucky to have such great friends.

Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom. – Marcel Proust

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