Walking Wombat

By WalkingWombat

Home Sweet Home!

It was so good to arrive at "Wombat Hollow" and drive down the driveway late this afternoon. Mind you the temperature had gone from 23 degrees in Taree to 6 degrees in Blackheath! No wind though, just a lovely mild winters day. The first job was to light the fire and warm the house up although all things considered it was quite cosy inside when we arrived. I hope my Kiwi friends appreciate that we celebrated our safe arrival by opening a beautiful bottle of Sauvignon Blanc from the Marlborough Region of the South Island!!

We've had a long stay away this time and by the sounds of it we have missed out on some horrendous weather in the Blue Mountains. Our fellow Blackheath have kept us up to date. No damage around the home so we've got off scott free!

Thanks so much for the incredible message that came through yesterday and today regarding my Osprey Blip. I am adding a fantastic link that osuzanna posted in her comment yesterday. We have been logging in all day to watch the Osprey Web Cam from Chesapeake in the United State. Tom and Audrey Osprey are famous in Chesapeake and you will soon find out why if you go to the link. I've just checked and all is quiet at the moment because they're in their nest fast asleep and it's pitch black. Just keep checking though and you will soon be as amazed as we were. It's actually quite addictive. One minute Audrey is there and the next moment she's flown off to catch a fish and returns in a few moments to feed her two babies. Thanks so much to all of you for your input. That's one of the wonderful things about blipfoto - we learn so much.

On a more sobering note - Our drive home yesterday was deeply saddened by the news that two people lost their lives in a car crash just south of Ballina in the early hours of the morning (6.30am). I heard about the crash from a local who chatted to me while I was photographing the Osprey. We were able to avoid the Pacific Highway by catching the ferry across the Richmond River and heading south along the river and bypassing the accident. We are both very cautious drivers and news like this just re-enforces the need to be so vigilant when you're driving. Our hearts go out the families of the innocent victims in this terrible accident.

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