Tech Marketing Guy

By tmg

Morning haze

As I left the house this AM, I was taken with the beaufitulI left the house early this morning due to the continuation of my offsite meetings. Last night, we received a dusting of snow and I was taken with how it clung to the tree branches. This shot was an example of what I saw. (I liked the golden morning light shining on the new fallen snow.)

I was happy with that first shot and had no expectation of taking any more until I saw the scene pictured here. The rising sun and the low haze hanging over the snow drew my attention as I drove by and compelled me to stop. I am pleased with the resulting shot.

A couple of people have asked about how I like the 7D. I continue to really enjoy the camera and one of the things it does really well is high ISOs. I back-blipped the last couple of days and this one is interesting because it was shot at ISO 1600. The noise control is really impressive especially for a cropped sensor. Feel free to look at the large version to judge yourself.

A year ago: The end of the Caribbean trip. I really enjoyed the brief time away.

Post processing:
Used a layer in PS to adjust saturation

Constructive criticism always welcome

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