Bug house

Yesterday we went to a Home Depot kids workshop to build a bug house. We followed the instructions which meant we did steps 1-3 and then painted it. We therefore brought a wet partially assembled bug house home and got to do steps 4-5 today. We then did the not described step 6 by putting it in the garden hopefully, with a piece of grape in it - my husband's idea apparently! Nothing much happened but whilst doing our afternoon killer-heat gardening session, I found a baby grasshopper and a caterpillar. I managed to catch them both in the bug house and then we watched the caterpillar devour 90% of a zucchini leaf far bigger than it is! We gave it a pumpkin leaf for dinner and left it happily munching away in a shady spot. Who knows how long we will manage to keep it up before I release it and does anyone know what baby grasshoppers eat?
You can just about see the grasshopper in the middle of the picture and the caterpillar is the black blob under the remains of the zucchini leaf.
The grape is in the far left corner - maybe if the hungry caterpillar gets really hungry?

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