Where has the time gone?!


365 Daisies!!!

Who would have thought it would take two hours to pick and arrange 365 daisies?! Or I should say arrange 365 daisies twice, as Toffee decided to come along and lend a helping paw and swatted away the original number 5!!

I can't believe it's a whole year since I posted my first blip. Little did I know what I was starting! I've always enjoyed taking photos but now it's become a passion, or should I say obsession!! Blip has seen me through some difficult times in this last year, and as well as enjoying the amazing photos of others, I've 'met' some wonderful people who have always been there with supportive words, all very much appreciated.

So to all my fellow Blippers out there in Blipworld, a huge thank you, and here's to the next 365!!!

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