Proud Weegie

By Shiv

Soft Touch

No 3 had her first day at the holiday Club.

I think she enjoyed it...loads of her friends were there and they are doing a Pirate topic - she came home covered in red paint after painting a pirate ship.

Shortly after this blip - she was dunked in the bath - manky pup !

She managed to get out the bath, climb into her PJs then fell asleep face down on the couch...wet hair and all !

News on mum's house. We have an interested party, however he has to sell his house before he will offer on ours. He wants to return to the village where he was born, and his Auntie Jean was on the bar staff at the Bowling club... there's a picture of me in my wedding dress where she is handing me a pint somewhere in the attic!

Fingers crossed.

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