
By TeaAddict

Purely Medicinal, You Understand!

..is what my Dad always used to say when we saw him having a nip of whiskey when he got in from work.

It's not often I turn to beer in a crisis - tea is usually my anxiety-calming beverage of choice - but just occasionally tea just isn't quite strong enough!

Bit of a nightmare day - tonnes of work on at the moment, so slogged away all day in the office. Was just turning my thoughts to getting ready for a customer meeting this evening when the doorbell rang. Mr M opened the door to one of our neighbours who live in the flat downstairs from us, telling us that they had been burgled.. that very afternoon - right under our noses while Mr M and I were upstairs working in the office!!

What really freaked me out is that they broke in by forcing the (locked) garden side gate and accessing our shared garden at the back - I could have quite easily just opened our back door to hang out the washing and stumbled upon burglars in the act!!!

I ended up going to the customer meeting on my own - without Mr M, as he stayed home to help out our neighbour. The customer I was meeting was only on the other side of our home town but didn't my sat-nav choose today to have some kind of complete melt-down? It totally insisted that I needed to get across town by taking a 2 hour detour into central London! Nothing I could do could persuade it otherwise and I ended up having to fly blind and consequently arrived at my meeting late and rather flustered.

By the time I got home, my nerves were jangling.. so I'm afraid I had no other option then to crack open a beer.

Purely for medicinal purposes - you understand!

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