Natale (Christmas)

Got my big deliveries yesterday and the hotel kindly called it "Christmas!".

Near enough though. New drives for the server as we're already running low on space, and a care package from my wife which involved a new Canon 70-200L. Nice. Just the bottom of the range 70-200L so nothing too extravagent. I put the two Ls in the camera bag....yeah...I look good with two white lenses in my bag.

The new lens is a bit of a backup lens, plus I'll use it for cycling groups as it'll be a lot less painful than the 35-350L.

A few test images and my God is it a sharp lens.

Other goodies from the wife included the lens hood for the 35-350 - Do you know how much they cost??? $35! Polarizer for the 35-350, and an optical lens hood for the 70-200.

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