Hola I'm Mini Claws

By MiniClaws

Film watching

I still don't feel very well. I was a bit sick over night, but not nearly as much as yesterday evening. Mummy took me to Grandma and Granda's church to hear Daddy preach, but was expecting to have to leave if I was unwell, but I was really good and slept through most of it, so Mummy could stay. We went home and had lunch. We were all meant to be going home today, but over lunch Mummy decided that we would stay for a few more days while Daddy went home to work, so that we'd have more help if I kept being unwell. We had a quiet afternoon while Grandma and Granda went to church again, and while they were out I was really sick all over Daddy. They decided to stop giving me the medication, as it seemed to be making me sick, and to see if that improved me, and then maybe see a different doctor tomorrow. I started to feel a bit better after they stopped giving me the medicine, and had a good evening. Daddy left after dinner to drive back home, and Mummy was a bit sad to see him leave I think! But I was in a good mood and made her feel better. We watched a film called Forrest Gump, and I sat and watched all of it. I loved it! I was bouncing around whenever Forrest went running. Eventually Mummy got very tired, and even though I was pretending not to be (I hadn't slept all day since church in the morning) I was actually very sleepy and got a bit upset, but calmed down and had a good feed and feel fast asleep. I missed my goodnight kiss from Daddy though.

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