Scenes from my desk

By alaistairsdesk

New Mug!

Received for Christmas from little sis.

Decided to crack it open tonight as its a good size and I needed CAFFINE.

Krispy Kreme's are my fav, and I alway get them when I'm in the states. This present came with a voucher for A DOZEN donughts. Only prob - there are no Krispy Kreme stores in Scotland! Store Locator says I'm 213.4 miles from the nearest store!

Eldest nicked the voucher for her return to London. She promised to bring me them home on her return (fat chance!)

Maybe that's what I should do in a few years? Retire and start opening Krispy Kreme franchises across Scotland.

Sounds like a plan to me!

Middling office day - agreed final partnership agreement - and mailed off the signed copies.

Woohoo - Friday tomorrow!

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