
By Houblon

Tour de Yorkshire - The Break Away

It rained all might and everyone is remarkably cheerfull considering how nobody slept very well at all under canvas.

We headed off with peter to kettlewell along the route. There were litterly thousands of people on their bikes taking advantage of the closed roads and taking their chance to ride part of a stage of the tour. It was fantastic. We were in the minority walking and we wished we has found a way to get our bikes up here.

We walked about 3miles into kettlewell which was well geared up for the tour plenty of crowds crash barriers and yellow bikes. After a cuppa we walked back about a mile to a place with a bit of a climb and quite narrow road. We found a vantage point slightly up a grass bank. We had a fantastic view of the peleton going through.

The thing that caused the most interest all day was the yellow sheep. Some enterprising farmer with help from yorkshire building society had rounded up his sheep then sprayed them yellow. Even the team cars were stopping to to take photos. The break away group of 3, including oldest man in the race Jes Voigt, didn't have that luxury.

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