
By HowWonderful

Today I learnt how to Skype

Today I started the day by meeting my special family on the other side of the world. I Skyped with my Grannie Ang & Grampie Phil, Nain Sarah & Taid Kenton and then Aunty Zoe and Uncle Tom. I love them all very, very much and I can't wait to meet them, but they all kept laughing at me and my big crazy, expressive hands! Uncle Tom and Aunty Zoe think they could be accordion player hands, Grampie Phil says rugby player and Taid Kenton reckons I will make a good goalie....I am going to have to make them all wait to find out, but for now I enjoy throwing my huge hands around like a gangsta and making everyone smile.
Mummy and I are being so well looked after at the hospital, so Daddy went in to work for a bit. Mum had a few specialists that she had to meet with so I went along and just did my thing and hung out quietly. Everyone said how chilled I am (and how cute).
I had my drip taken out of my hand which made mummy cry, but I didn't even flinch...I am gonna have to get her to toughen up a little!
Later, I enjoyed some cuddles with Aunty Kelly. She is growing my future playmate in her tummy which is exciting!

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