
Tried to regain the "best mum in this house" award today via a cinema trip.

"A bit of Aberdeen is sunny and natury, but the other bit is damp, idiotic and weird", announced Tess, as we made our way in to see 'How to Train your dragon 2', which was quite good, mostly because Toothless reminds us all of the late, lamented Squeaker (You wouldn't think a dragon and cat would have much common ground, but you would be wrong). I didn't question her description of Aberdeen, happy to let that one go.

Tess' second notable statement today was that she had apparently told her new teacher last week that the "e" in her name was silent. It took me a whole 3 hours to realise she might be kidding me on, but it's now many hours later and I'm still not 100% sure

Post cinema I agreed to a quick 5 minute detour via the promenade to dolphin spot which turned into a near 3 hour loll about in the sand and sea. The international graduation students that looked very Hogwarty in their gowns were very taken with Tess' massive "Vote Yes!" sign in the sand and took lots of pictures. Home via Asda to buy emergency trousers for Sam who had ripped the bottom out of his while bottom surfing down the promenade slanty wall bits.

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