One Hole Leads to Another

A couple of weeks ago, I watered Cynthia's runner bean plant on the patio at the back of the house. It was the first time I'd used the hose this year. The next day C told me that there was water on the floor in the basement TV room, near the exterior door.

I diagnosed the problem immediately. The hose hadn't been disconnected from the faucet in the fall, so the water wasn't able to drain out of it (the faucet) when it was turned off. It was a very cold winter and the water trapped in the pipe froze.

I could blame the gardener we hired last year, but I should have checked that the hose was disconnected when I checked the one at the front of the house. That was a $300 mistake, and I still have to patch the hole in the wall -- plumbers don't do that.

I won't do it again!

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