Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Here on the Central Coast, mornings seem to last all day because the sun takes its lazy ol time breaking through the coastal fog; it's a feature we love.

So it was probably inching toward mid-morning when Mr. Fun cooked us some breakfast: scrambled eggs and I put some frozen biscuits in the oven. A simple meal, but very delicious.

Then I gave the pups their morning snack while Mr. Fun showered and then I vacuumed the entire place. We really need to outfit this place with new carpet, but not yet -- we're trying to prioritize the improvements.

Then we leasshed the pups and walked the 3-short blocks to the beach lookout. Mr. Fun wanted to go right out onto the sand, but I didn't have my shoes for walking on the sand, so we headed back to the house, I grabbed my beach shoes, and we put the pups in the car, and drove to the beach at the south end of town, and then we all walked right out to the water and tap-danced with the waves.

Our pups love walking on the sand, but oh you ought to see the sand in the backseat of the car -- good grief. I had covered the backseat with a bed sheet, so I just need to shake it.

I love this photo of all of them. He is the man I married when I was 15. He was 19. Now he is newly retired -- that seems so impossible -- there is a 22 year old living in my head. It is, though, really fun hanging-out with a retired guy.

It is wonderful that I get a couple months out of the classroom in summer and another couple months off in winter, that's going to help me endure going back to work while he stays home. This first summer of retirement is designated to doing "nothing" or "whatever we want to do." I think we have a good start on that. I'm so thankful he is my best friend.

So for now -- we've mostly tossed time to the tradewind on this Tuesday with this trio of tailwaggers, and Mr. Fun enjoying their lead!

Good night from California's Central Coast,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun, Chloe, Mitzi, & Max),
aka Carol

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