Today I ..... cleaned the door sills, my they were mucky; put the washing on; wrote a shopping list; wrote a list of things I need to do which I would have forgotten 20 seconds later, okay, 4 seconds later; made G a cup of coffee; did some weeding; reversed my temporarily invalid neighbour's car out of her garage for a 10 minute battery warm-up; happily stood chatting to the neighbour for 20 minutes; was given a book to read from the neighbour; weeded a bit at the front on the way home; bumped into another neighbour and talked about the abundance of mint in my garden, please help yourself; Mull, birds, buzzard overhead, gardens; found my coffee had gone cold what the heck. I could get used to this!

Have since gone through the plethora of leaflets I have brought home from Shetland; printed off a photo of a Puffin; gazed longingly at Elsi but with no basket we can't go to the local shop for a bottle of wine; walked to the post box (walked to the post box!!!??) with a card, and made the tea.

I sent G to the shop for wine instead.

I could get used to this.

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