Half way

This rose is the second flowering this year on a very old rosebush in my garden and it has the most divine scent!

3rd and halfway point Chemo treatment today, followed by short walk with Ted and Parish Council Meeting and now at 9.30pm the effects are starting to take hold so off to bed and see what tomorrow has to bring. I ended up going to treatment on my own today which I have no qualms about as the nurses and the unit are great, but I have been told I need to take someone with me next time as they are changing by chemo drug and I may get some adverse reaction to it straight away.

I think the Macmillan Nurses are right, this is the toughest thing I have had to deal with in my life, loosing my Dad was tough but this is different tough, I hope I can stay tough enough to tough it out!! Stupid Cancer!

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