
By acr83


What's better than money from the government?
More money from the government!

This arrived today on my official first day of parental leave. It's just $16 a week before tax but every little bit counts when you are taking six months off and only getting paid for three of them at less than your usual income.

Had a midwife checkup today and did the birth plan. My husband was asked if he'd like to help 'catch the baby'. I had a great laugh watching him squirm and find a polite way to say no to the midwife!

Tonight we're off to our new favourite restaurant again, after we just went on my birthday 2 weeks ago. It's called mexicano's and if you're in christchurch and you haven't been, you have to! Tonight we are taking my In laws out for dinner as a housewarming present to them.

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