Down The Tubes.

A nice walk this morning with the sun shining through the climbing frame.
PD managed to resist a swim in the weed and slime filled pond but try as he might he couldn't find a bear as he ranged through the trees.

Mid morning we all went to Beecraigs Park between Bathgate and Linlithgow.
the kids had great fun in the kids area. I was surprised about how unphased Squirrel was by the tunnel slide.
We went for a very short walk down the wide paths in the woods to cool down a bit. This has to be one of the narrowest firebreaks ever.
By the time we had finished the walk the place was heaving - it was as is an entire town had set up camp and yet 20 yards away just inside the trees there was nobody and it was really quiet.

At tea time we had to take our cat to the vet - she has not been eating for a few days although she had been drinking fine and didn't appear to be in pain.
However, it turns out she had a very large growth in her abdomen.
So that was it!
We are now catless.
It is the first rime in over 30 years we have been without a cat.

When the sun started going down I took a quick trip up to Harburn above West Calder and got eaten alive by midges while I took some pictures -- there are several shots HERE (including a couple of gate shots for Dotty.
A fitting end to Tia's last day.

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