All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Back at the farm again

Foreveryoung dropped Eden off at my house this morning on her way to work. She's having a sleepover with us for the next 2 nights.

I took both Ethan and Eden to their swimming lesson this morning. Her class is an hour after his but the instructor let her go in his class today to save us having to hang around.

We then went back to Almond Valley Heritage Centre, to meet my friend Shona and her son Ruaridh. It was really hot again today so it was very busy. We spent a fun 4 hours or so there and Ethan was particularly happy as we went on the train today.

Then back to the house to get his trainers - Granny and Grandpa had arrived so they offered to take Ethan to his football class. Eden went along too, so I had some quiet time myself before getting dinner ready. Unfortunately Granny and Grandpa got lost on the way to the Sports Centre so Ethan was 25 minutes late for his class!

I tried to put the kids to bed in the same room tonight but after lots of messing around from them, I gave up and they're now in separate rooms again.

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