
By chrissypav

The Butterfly freak

I apologise to my Facebook friends who already know this story...

Today i had to go to Seaford.. I didn't fancy walking 6 miles in heavy rain showers so i caught the bus... Well again as my friends and Facebook friends know i always have a story to tell when i travel by bus!

I boarded the bus and swiped my card, turned to climb the stairs when a guy sitting in the seat near the stairs said "hello" (Ok i've seen this guy walking round Asda and he appears to be , how can i say this? erm a character!) i don't know him and i've never spoken to him before. He's the type you do not want to have eye contact with!
I blanked him and yes i know that sounds rude but trust me i wasn't going to give him the chance to chat! I climbed the stairs and i heard him say "SHE DON'T REMEMBER ME, SHE'S A BUTTERFLY FREAK!!" I thought to myself WTF!!!!

When i collected stephens repaired glasses from the opticians i browsed the shops.. I found myself looking at handbags and almost bought one... Then i realised it had butterflies printed all over it. Infact i have a butterfly bag very similar... I then spotted a lovely top reduced from £39.00 to £12 almost bought it and again butterflies adorned it... I sort of giggled to myself thinking of myself as a butterfly freak!

Made my way home by bus and after a late lunch i wanted to go walking and needed a blip subject but the damn rain kept on pouring so i thought i would get some inspiration from the garden and that's when i realised i DO have an obsession with butterflies.. I have butterflies on the fence, butterfly mobiles, metal butterfly garden wall art.... WHAT THE!?!!!

I am now seeking help!!

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