
By StorksRock


It was the Standard Chartered 5k this evening round the City. Here are the super-fit (?) entrants from work before the off, in a terrible photo taken by a security guard in our building.

Left to right: Sami, Pete, StorksRock, James, Nisha, John, Kim, Guy, Fintan

Kim and Fintan are both claiming victory, they finished in around 23 mins. Neither had a watch, and Kim is fiercely competitive, so we're all quite interested to see what the official results say on the morning. There's going to be a lot of banter, whoever comes out top.

I was 4th, which I'm happy with as I'm the oldest and have done no speed work.

The osteo told me to leave it 48 hours after the last crunching session before running. I did as I was told: the race started 49 hours 45 minutes later. I feel fine now, but that could be 2 beers and a pasty talking. We'll see in the morning..... :-)

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