Blipping with a broken arm

The story of my broken arm starts here. Break or no break, I intend to keep blipping as much as possible. It will put a dent in my commenting for a while. I'll try, but it will probably be spotty. The break is in my upper right arm, so near to the shoulder socket that they can't cast it. That means wearing a sling and strapping it tightly against my body.

Did I mention it's my right arm, i.e. the one that holds the camera and presses the shutter button? Did I mention it hurts? Did I mention my husband is a real gem? He doesn't blip, but he did take today's picture. And Gulliver even struck a pose! That hardly ever happens.

In today's SP I was sitting in my favorite reading corner. 'Spect I'll sit here a lot for the next 6-8 weeks. Thanks for all your concern in the past two days. 'Night Blippers.

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