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Time to admit she's outgrown the baby bath seat - we put her in but she just climbs out now

A lazy ish day - we had a lady from a book group come round and chat to us about books and reading to baby. I didn't realise that to qualify you had to be on low income so we shouldn't have been able to have the session. I just signed up at baby group but the lady was happy to stay and chat. She went through the curriculum and Minnie hit all the points that 0-11 months should, I was very pleased.

Minnie is now turning the pages of her books and touching the places in her That Not My.....books. Her books are by her toy box and she often chooses books instead of toys - as a book fiend this pleased me massively :)

A friend messaged me on FB - she had found my purse and the street adjacent to us. How lucky that it was her! So we walked to collect it from her then came home to do Minnie's bed time. It was so hot that Minnie woke at 830 and wouldn't go back off so she stated up with us till ten while we left all her windows open to cool her room and changed her into cooler clothes

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