Views of my world

By rosamund


Today we visited Newlyn Art Gallery as we explored the area around Penzance. It was nice to see an exhibition of contemporary art by young artists living and working in Cornwall. We each had a favourite piece which were all quite different in style and content. One thing we all enjoyed equally was the opportunity to write a letter to our sixteen year old selves which was then placed in an envelope and either sealed or left open for others to read as part of an interactive installation. It was great to reflect on my life like that and realise I wouldn't actually change any of my experiences or choices, I just advised sixteen year old Rosamund to be true to herself and be more confident.

After Newlyn we visited the picturesque harbour at Mousehole, I thought it was beautiful, there were lovely wee gift shops and galleries but I think the family had enough of arty things and were more keen to get to Penzance for fish and chips and the amusement arcade. The weather was glorious again, we've been so lucky and I can't believe tomorrow is our last day here.

I was nominated for the three things a day that you're grateful for/ make you happy thing so for today here goes:

1. A family that do the things I love even when it's not their cup of tea
2. Lovely weather on a lovely holiday
3. Teeny tiny ceramic jugs

I nominate onceasheep and appreciate.

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