Leanne's Random Photos

By Leannespics

Not doing so well

This guy should not be up and about in the middle of the day. He's not looking so good. I was thinking of calling the animal control to come set a trap for him. Might be foaming at the mouth & he's got his tongue hanging out. But then I thought maybe I'd better give him the benefit of the doubt. He is soaking wet. I'm sure he was awaken out of a good sleep by drenching rain and tried to look for a dryer bed. Not finding one in the cypress, he moved again a half hour later. His eyes didn't look good either.

So now that I look at the pictures I took, I'm thinking I ought to call tomorrow. If he's sick, he could hurt someone.

On a brighter subject: The bliptogether is sooooooo cool!! I could sit and watch it ALLLL day!!! (And not get a thing done!) So wonderfully creative! From the concept all the way down to each individual picture! I kept texting my mom and my aunt with pictures of it!

The plumber fixed the kitchen leak today! And he didn't have to break concrete to get to the crack in the plastic pipe - good news! Now we have a fan blowing on it to get it dry and he'll come back on Monday to fix the drywall. Yay!

The girls are having a sleep over tonight. We played NASCAR Monopoly with Ben! Just the three of us. He had such a great time! Never even lost his temper through out the game - a first for him. Gave him a ticket for that.

There's new rules for Monopoly now. Particularly when you play with an accountant. Who reads all the directions before playing the game. Did you ever "auction" off a property when a player doesn't want to buy it??? So, every time you land on a sqare of property, we auction it off for less than the price!! Each and every time: "Do I hear $10? $20? .... 150! going once, going twice....Penzoil Parkway sold for $150!!! It's cheaper to auction it because you usually get it for a cheaper price. Makes for a looooong game!! And GUESS who won? .....yep. Mr. Banker himself.

I could hardly count the spaces on the board much less calulate a good deal for garages (not houses) & utilities! And, uh, it didn't help that I had the bliptogether scrolling on the computer....hard to pay attention!

Yikes! It's after midnight! Good night!

Here's some more raccoon shots. And Phil's rainbow from his new office!!

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