Another stop on the afternoon tea tour today. This time David, Angela's husband joined us to go to Snugglemuffin in Glasgow (also accompanied by Wee G who is asleep in his pram). We weren't sure whether or not we were looking forward to it to be honest, we'd been to Snugglemuffin before and left disgruntled after 45 minutes of no service. This gave them a standard 5 point penalty.
This was attempt number 2. I have to say they made up for it today. The place was deserted and so the owner had the time to give us brilliant service. Had more people been there though, it was easy to see that there could have been a repeat performance of last time.
They scored a respectable 26.5 points today, 29.5 on the new improved scoring system that has a baby friendly category. Highlights being a vanilla scone and a delicious strawberry tart.
It was lovely to catch up with Angela and David, and Grayson and I had a lovely wee dance. I even managed to get a wee squidge of his foot! Baby feet are the best.
In other news, I spent the morning at the Apple store in Glasgow too. My phone has a hardware fault and it's going in for a repair. I have a loaner phone as a replacement for a few weeks. I'm hoping they're going to give me a new phone, just in time for me to sell it when my contract is up in September. Fingers crossed.
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