
By mydartmoorwalks


It has been raining for most of today, not proper rain but that really annoying stuff, which is not enough to do the garden any good but enough to get you wet. I took my waterproof camera with me on my walk this afternoon.

These are tiny grass seed heads and tiny drops of rain. The camera is about an inch away and about two inches off the ground so I couldn’t see what I was taking. The image here is considerably magnified. The camera was in macro mode and I used the built in led lights to provide extra light. I like how the tiny drops of rain act as a lens inverting the image behind. Depth of field is very narrow.


In other news George went home today after three weeks on holiday. There is a photo of him on flickr. He found some water where he could cool down and have a drink. This was taken early this morning before the rain came. I think he will be talking about his adventures for some time! There are couple more raindrop photos on flickr with George.

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