Sleepy chef
Today was the day for the kids to cook our dinner, so we set off early (11am - early for them) to head to the market. With a sudden shower of rain, it was very quiet and we were able to make god progress with our purchasing - including TallGirl buying wine from our favourite wine seller. As soon as the sun came out, so did everyone we knew and progress slowed with all the mwah mwahing and ca va'ing.
And dinner was delicious. The starter was abandoned, when they got around to reading in the recipe that the split peas should have been soaking since last night. But the main (lamb kebabs with minted sauce) and dessert (chocolate mousse) were fabulous. We all dressed for dinner - and the first meal in France at our proper dining table was a very elegant affair.
CarbBoy either found it all too much, or is repulsed by the documentary on vultures, or is pacing himself in the hope of seeing the football later. Whatever, he looks very cool snoozing there under his leather hat.
Well done kids - let's make it a regular event!
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