
By cowgirl

He only has eyes for...

His coffee!

We had a day in Bath today. There's a Sony shop there so we went in to see if anyone knew how to get the photos off the Sd card and onto the internal memory. It took a while but eventually the chap there got it sorted, but he had to make a phone call to do it as he too failed to figure it out, so we don't feel so bad that we couldn't do it!

Once that was sorted we wandered here and there, spending my birthday money/gift vouchers and looking for a gift for my mum whose birthday it is next weekend.

Coffee and a snack were required to keep us going and I liked the reflection in Sav's sunglasses so despite all the lovely buildings in Bath that I could have taken, I decided to go with that and concentrate on shopping!

I've back blipped for yesterday and I quite like it, if you'd care to have a look! [/i ]

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