South Coast Scribblings

By SueSouth

Godetia reappearance

Godetias aren't meant to be biennial I don't think, but one of them managed it! It's rather woody and misshapen, but the flowers are still pretty!

Quite a windy day today, but the sun has been out mostly. There have been some huge thunderous looking clouds bypassing us though. Just catching up with the men's final at Wimbledon as I missed it totally! Only the summary programme though - I didn't record the whole match!

We've had a Tesco delivery, but had to limit what we got as one of our two fridge freezers went kaput on the eve of our going away and we had to stuff everything we could in the one in the garage! Tomorrow we're hoping to get out to buy a new one for the kitchen - not an easy task as it has to be below a certain height (which isn't standard) in order to fit below a cupboard. It's a right nuisance having to go outside to the garage just to fetch milk, so I hope we can get something suitable quickly...

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