Polly's Pictures

By PollyH

Something from the Fifties!

This was when this book was published. Takes me right back to the classroom and a wonderful maths teacher.
Got it from the charity shop and I am going to give it to the leader of our 'Maths for fun' U3A group as we are always comparing the new with the old.
Spoke to my 90 year old friend in Devon this morning, who had a replacement shoulder on Wednesday, out of hospital on Friday and complaining that the sling she has to wear is a bit restricting! Due to have the other shoulder replaced in about 6 weeks.
Hope I have her tenacity if I ever get to 90!
Just discovered why my water butt is not filling up. The down pipe has become disconnected. Another job for the list.
Was going to do a car boot this morning - glad I didn't, as heavens opened.

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