Flowers on the headland..

..missed a blip yesterday. We've had a friend, B, staying for the weekend, and braved the weather forecast and went to Durness. The forecast was for heavy rain, but turned out to be just overcast with occasional periods of drizzle. We did get a bit damp, but a coffee and hot chocolate in Cocoa Mountain soon brought a smile back to our faces. We walked out to Faraid Head in search of puffins. We did see some, out to sea, and didn't get any decent photo's. Called in to the croft for some tatties and cauliflower for tea, along with broad beans from the garden. Some fish, and parsley sauce, lovely..

Today went for a walk around the Scouriemore headland, where this sundew was growing. They have beads of sticky glue on the leaves to catch insects, supplementing their diet in these boggy conditions. A few were starting to come into flower as well.

Back home for biscuits and coffee, before dropping B back at the bus-stop for the 4 hour ride back to Inverness. She returns to Swansea tomorrow..

Lots of good chat, and memories of the Man band..


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