
By Croft16

Flaming July..

..a high today of 14 deg C and currently 12 deg C. It's been dry, and mostly overcast all day with a fresh breeze. Definitely not sun bathing weather, and not summer. Put a waistcoat (gilet?) on when G II came to look around the croft.

Sorted some of the strawberries out now they've finished fruiting, and pegged the runners down for some new plants.

Pottered in the tunnel, side shooting the toms, training the cues and runner beans, and apart from that, not done a lot today. Did listen to the final 20 overs of the Gloucester Kent cricket match from Cheltenham, a really close finish to the four day match, over 1600 runs scored, but Kent edged it with 2 overs and one wicket to spare. Can't win 'em all..

Lit the fire to take the chill off the room..

music, I was looking for the Bonzo's version, but had to out this one up..

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