A splendid day out at the Shard!!
My day begun with my 7,15 am walk around the block, then church were the vicar gave a both entertaining and thought provoking sermon. Then after coffee in the church hall it was off to the Shard for lunch ( which was belated birthday and Father's Day celebration, from the boys ) , I hadn't been before so it was an exciting experience. We were going on the train to London Bridge, whilst on the station a family with young children came along making for a typical British summer display, ie wellingtons and sun glasses! (It was a funny sight to see ) . When we reached our destination it was so easy to get to Shard . We were going to the " Ting " restaurant in the Shangrel- la hotel.It was lovely to be with the family, the Rev,K,J,O and J girl friend K, we were treated like royalty, O is a chef there , the head chef came out to see. us and chatted to O. We had a lovely waiter , suddenly we had two plates of canapés arrive curtesy of chef we were told then we had our starters, unfortunately it forgot to snap , but it was delicious smoked salmon , like I'd never tasted before then if chose braised lamb which was also wonderful , of course one has to have a drink doesn't one,! K,K and I then had a wonder round there is so much to see you really don't know where to look first. When we got back to our table we ordered dessert's, and duly waited then suddenly yet another pre- dessert arrived curtesy of the chef, woo I didn't know that was coming!! After coffee we all made for the train with a struggle as we were all very full ( as you can imagine) . We drove to K 's were I had left my car. But wouldn't you just know it, I left an important document and didn't notice it wasn't there until I needed it at the next venue I visited to book for our fellowship lunch in August, so on the phone to K , please have I left it with you ,or, is it lost??? No mum it's here so I then had to drive back to where I had come from to retrieve said item! I would loose my head if it was lose !! ( I am getting there fast!!!! ) it was such a good day and even the weather was good to us. If you haven't been it is well worth a visit , we were only on the 35 th floor but I understand the view was as good as on the 72 nd floor.
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