It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco

Vintage Bi-Plane Heaven......

LARGE IT!!!!Today Gaz and I took my parents to The Old Warden Shuttleworth Collection "Up Close And Personal Airshow"

What a fab day! A good time was had by all. I do think I have injuries though ....I held the D800 for about 6 hours! 2 of those were with the sigma 500mm lens. Thats bloomin heavy so now my fingers wrist and right arm ache like I've never known. The pain in my fingers is quite bad but hey ho we suffer for our art ;-)

Garri had the D7100 for the flying time and boy did he take some great shots. Ill make a photographer out of him yet ;-)

Wait for it...We took 1,500 -ish shots between us. However we were both on continuous shooting so there are about 4 pics to every good one.

I think I have a life time of editing with my holiday shots and these!

Up at 6 am this morning and no sleep and work tonight....a tired old Dragon tonight me thinks ;-)


Draco The Vintage Flying Dragon xx

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