
By HaxSyn

SRAF 2014

Do I need to say anymore?

Ok, I guess I should. This was the "Scottish Real Ale Festival", it is an annual event that is organized by "CAMRA" (Campaign For Real Ale). They of course hold other similar events all over the country through-out the year but this is the big one for Scotland and most breweries bring some of their beers along, I believe there was over 200 beers this year over a few days (there's a half day session on Thursday, Full day Friday & Saturday and another half day on the Sunday). The beers are set out in rows with "cooling jackets" and served by a lot of hard working volunteer "CAMRA" members. It's a good day out if you're a beer drinker and the prices are reasonable, you also get a free glass (pint or half pint by your choice) included in the entry fee (£6 for non-members and £4 for CAMRA members), the pint glass have lines for 1/3 of a pint, a 1/2 pint and a whole pint so you can sample lots of beers without having to drink a whole pint of each. I believe I had 8 different beers (all half pints) so that's "only" 4 pints (although some do vary in strength, I believe the last one had had was 9% ABV).

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