Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Super Moon Setting

(I'm uploading by way of my iPhone, so I apologize for the overhead wires, but I don't know how on this phone to remove them. The moon set was spectacular!)

We woke at the unbelievable hour of 4:00 am because I needed to go to the girls room, so Mr. Fun got out of bed to look out the front windows.

What he saw caused us to stay awake for the next 2-hours watching the full moon slowly slide toward the sea. The sky above the ocean was as clear as it had been yesterday . . . not a bit of fog. AND the moonlight was glistening on the water.

We have seen the full moon numerous times here, but we've never seen the moon drop beneath the water's horizon. It was almost complete daylight by the time the moon reached low enough to touch the bank of clouds on the horizon.

At that moment, I looked at Mr. Fun and said, I'm getting back in bed to get warm and to catch a bit more sleep. We had already let the three pups out of their crates, and they were comfy on our bed, so we had to reposition them so that we could both get under the covers. The remainder of the morning was pretty much a wipeout, but getting up that early was worth it.

About 9:00 a.m. Mr. Fun took his mountain bicycle and pedaled all the way to the power plant at Morro Bay and then back. He was gone for approximately 90 minutes.When he returned, we had breakfast.

Mid-afternoon we took the three pups in the car and went for a casual, lazy-dazy drive through town (which seemed to be full of weekend tourists who are escaping the inland heat). We saw a full blown wedding taking place on the beach near the pier. The little downtown area seemed hot and crowded.

We then drove to Morro Bay, and did our normal -- Mr. Fun announcing he was hungry -- so we stopped at TacoBell for a burrito (good grief). Then we drove out to look at the ROCK just to take a closer look at the waves and at the channel to the harbor. Mostly we were "taking the Long Way Home." We did notice that it was much chillier in Morro Bay.

So then we drove back to north Cayucos and walked the pups on the north side of the pier, where the wind was shielded by the bluff and the temperature was pleasantly warmer than Morro Bay.

We arrived home and fixed chili dogs topped with grated onions for dinner -- simple but delicious.

We've had a FULL day, but a good day. The news folks tell us that tonight is the "super moon." I don't think we will be up at 4:00 am to watch because the sky doesn't look like it's going to be clear enough to see the moon and also because we're planning to get ourselves up and out to go to church in the morning.

In case anyone is wondering, this has been a terrific day!

From California's Central Coast,
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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