Things that make me smile

By sarahhallett

Group Outing!

After quite a late night, I was not too pleased to be woken up at 5.00am by James saying the birds were too loud! Luckily he did go back to sleep and we all got up at a much more civilised time of 7.30.

The thing I love about this group camping lark, is all the kids amuse themselves and because there are so many of them, any disagreements soon get forgotten as there is always someone else to play with. Such was the case this morning as the adults all had a leisurely breakfast and multiple coffees.

The campsite we were staying on this year had pros and cons. A big pro was it's location. Set in absolutely gorgeous countryside, the views from the site of the surrounding hills were stunning. However from the kids perspective it wasn't as good as last year. Main reason... the surrounding woods were out of bounds to campsite users!

As such we decided this afternoon that we needed to get the kids off the campsite and embarked on a group walk! This was a feat in itself, getting 20 children of varying ages, ready, along with enough food to keep us all going. But we did it and the walk was great.

We headed off to the White Horse Hill and here is where we sat and had our picnic. The kids loved it, the weather was fab and to round it all off the Red Arrows appeared out of nowhere and flew over our heads! It almost felt like it was a special display, just for us! A truly great day!

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