
So, we’re now on Anglesey for a week in a very-nice-indeed-thank-you holiday cottage at Marianglas with views over the fields to the sea beyond. Arrived yesterday evening after a fine trip up from our pals, through Rhayader (accompanied by red kites circling overhead) and up through a spectacular Snowdonia with a little stop off for ice cream and a leg-stretch in Caernarfon. All places that I’d never been before - in fact by my reckoning I’ve only spent about an hour in Wales in my life before. Despite several globe-trotting escapades of various magnitudes some of these closer-to-home destinations have escaped my attention over the last forty five years. Hmm, never been to Ireland either, maybe that can be next year’s trip…

A leisurely morning spent around the garden with pots of coffee, Michael Smith’s Unreal City and the Tour De France 2014 Official Programme (which I really need to get a proper handle on and fully immerse myself in research-wise, last weekend’s cycling-related activity seems ages ago now after all this recent traveling around. ITV4 at 7pm on a nightly basis beckons!) A walk down to the nearest beach, Traeth Bychan, in the afternoon followed by a stroll along the coastal path to Moelfre for a pint in the village pub. And nuts. And pop. And crisps. ‘Tis the holidays after all.

Music, for no other reason that it’s on as I tap-tap-tap away

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