An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

As I was going to St Ives...

There is something so wonderfully delicious about waking up when your body decides it's had enough sleep, rather than being jolted awake by the alarm.

A leisurely shower was followed by a leisurely breakfast then we all piled into our respective cars and headed for St Ives.

Missed the restricted access sign and followed the very narrow road down to the harbour front. Thankfully it was very quiet with hardly a person in sight.


OMG it was mobbed! I lost count of the number of people we almost ran over! After a very stressful
5 minutes we parked near the Tate and met up with the other members of our party. They had parked on a cliff top and abseiled walked down the steep lanes to the harbour. Not really an option for us with Alan in his wheelchair and me on elbow crutches :-)))

We ate Cornish Pasties sitting in the lovely sea breeze, watching the surfing students on the beach. Lovely.

Marion and Ed took Alan off on an adventure and Ele, Kenny, David and I had a very delicious ice cream before having a wander up a cobbled hill popping in and out the shops as we went.

Back to the holiday house now and about to have a BBQ. Having a fab time. Wish you were all here :-))) xxx

PS Molly I looked everywhere for you and Ann but didn't see you!

PPS. I was going to blip a shot of St Ives harbour but this lovely lady was so bubbly and friendly towards everyone who passed, I couldn't resist her.

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