Raking Hay

A lovely warm sunny day! Cloudy at times and a fresh breeze but no complaints :)

Day off and the start of a week off work :) Just staying home about for a week to relax and enjoy the summer here, even more so if it stays nice :)
Got chores in and out of the house done today so I have an easier week ahead :) Walkies this morning around Scalloway with Sammy dog, nipped into Lerwick and met mam and we had walkies with Sammy around Lerwick and then more walkies this evening in Cunningsburgh. I even managed to have a barbeque tonight and we ate outside too :)

Out walkies this evening and the whole village seemed to be out and about. Plenty of folk walking and chatted more than I've managed to walk. I also met Jean Halcrow out in the hay rig. I just love that she keeps traditional ways of working the land going with her old wooden hay rake. Taken in the Aith meadows, Cunningsburgh.

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