From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Tomorrow is Tuesday

Apologies for the dire title. It was either that or 'I can't be bothered!' Actually, now that the World Cup is over, I have no excuse for having a late night so I might be all sweetness and light tomorrow as well as look ten years younger! You never know!


What drives me mad in my work (and it certainly did it for me today) is when someone raises a help desk call and then is most unhelpful themselves when you are asking them questions to get all the facts. Without getting all the facts, you can't get anywhere fast. I suppose it's like telling the police 'There's been a murder!!!!' but then you don't bother to tell them when or where for about three weeks by which time the body has gone off and you've lost interest anyway. So frustrating!

Before logging off today, I sent an email demanding answers by first thing tomorrow morning!

Anyway, onto a more pleasant topic. Eddie (the hedgehog) didn't turn up for his breakfast until 9.30am today. I was tempted to put the ornamental hedgehog I bought on Saturday near him but decided that might be cruel. I mean, he might get really excited and erm... try to get his little leg over the new arrival!

It was very difficult choosing a picture today. The beautiful goldfinch won as he was a first time visitor to me today. I was thrilled! I also loved this robin along with this little fellow.

Go large....

Track? It was Black Country Day and many of today's Radio WM broadcasts were from Wolverhampton or Dudley. Noddy Holder was also interviewed. So, let's have one of my favourite Slade numbers - Coz I Luv You

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