Wet breeks...

...very wet breeks. I got caught in a heavy shower on the cycle home last night...I was sodden by the time I arrived home. Dripped my way through the house to drop off my different bits and bobs and then upstairs for a change of trousers.

We then went...swimming:-) Well Mr R the boys and I went swimming...Es doesn't do swimming anymore. This makes me sad, hopefully, she'll discover soon that she is not allergic to chlorine (her current excuse).

It was great. It meant I didn't arrive home and immediately get the laptop out again, I had fun with my boys, I got some exercise...which is good as the lunch time stroll didn't happen. It did take a bit of effort and willpower to keep my promise to the wee fella but glad I did.

Home, dinner, couple of hours on the laptop and then bed. An alright evening.

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