Reflections on a Toe

Day began with the good news that youngest daughter and friend have arrived safely for their surprise visit to Hamp5on in Ibiza.

Then ran into a stepladder at a wholesalers today, while buying food for the Camp I'll be cooking on end of this week. Looked down at my little toe and it was at right-angles to my foot. Quickly leaned down and pulled it straight, hoping that would sort it (!). But pain and swelling got worse - ended up at A&E - have broken the middle bone and torn the ligaments, and nothing much to be done except strap it up, take painkillers and wait 6 or so weeks while it heals.

It is incredible how much pain and disability such a small injury causes!

How will I cook for 133+ next week when can't even walk at the moment... Makes me reflect on what St Paul says about how even the person in our community who we value least is crucially important to the whole.

Also reflecting what a miracle it is that our bodies do heal. And on why this has happened at this time...

Friends from Brazil here for lunch - come to see newest addition - and this being my only photo of the day.

And now am off for an early anniversary meal with M, as we'll be on Camp for the actual day - hoping I can manage it.

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